Free chess games archives

Like chess? You can't connect here daily, and try to solve free online chess games. This free chess games archive is for you. You will find here 10 free days of chess problems to enjoy you and help you to improve your chess strategies or tactics.

For each of the 10 latest free chess games you could select a checkmate problem and try to solve it online. Then you could check your solution by clicking into the grey area.

chess diagram mate in 4 - problem difficulty: ***

R.Willmers, Deutsche Schachzeitung, 1859

Mate in 4 (***)

White to play

Published yesterday

chess diagram mate in 3 - problem difficulty: ***

M.Havel, 4th Pr., Zlata Praha, 1910

Mate in 3 (***)

White to play

Published 2 days ago

chess diagram mate in 2 - problem difficulty: ***

A.Albertini, Telescac, 1992

Mate in 2 (***)

White to play

Published 3 days ago

chess diagram mate in 3 - problem difficulty: ***

E.A.Brunner, Deutsches Wochenschach, 1910

Mate in 3 (***)

White to play

Published 4 days ago

chess diagram mate in 2 - problem difficulty: ***

V.Rudenko, 2nd Pr, Tijdschrift vd. KNSB, 1959

Mate in 2 (***)

White to play

Published 5 days ago

chess diagram mate in 5 - problem difficulty: ****

G.Sladek, Main Post, 1965

Mate in 5 (****)

White to play

Published 6 days ago

chess diagram mate in 3 - problem difficulty: ***

M.Havel, , 1913

Mate in 3 (***)

White to play

Published 7 days ago

chess diagram mate in 2 - problem difficulty: ***


Mate in 2 (***)

White to play

Published 8 days ago

chess diagram mate in 3 - problem difficulty: ***


Mate in 3 (***)

White to play

Published 9 days ago

chess diagram mate in 2 - problem difficulty: ***

T.Anderson, Springaren III, 1952

Mate in 2 (***)

White to play

Published 10 days ago

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