Free online chess problem of the day

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Each day I offer you a different free online chess problem with various difficulties. One day you will have to solve an easy checkmate in 2 and the day after a very difficult free online chess problem in 2 or a checkmate in 6.

Bruno's Chess Problem: 01/20/2025


Mate in 3(***)
chess problem diagram
White to play


Level : * (very easy) to ****** (very hard)

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2025-01-20 17:53:11, by problemist
"Pin of a piece on a square adjacent to the king is also allowed [if the unpinned piece could defend the mate] even though that square is both blocked and guarded." Here here are two pin model mates (3. Nb6# and the Q-mate on d8 or e8 after 1.. Qxd7 2. Qh8+ Qd8, Qe8).
2025-01-20 16:23:09, by problemist
Comment from Pravda: "Štyri modelové maty, z toho dva s väzbou Sa7." Here's the definition of a model mate according to Problemesis Thčmes: "In the model mate, all the pieces of the mating side, with the allowable exception of the King and the Pawns [!], take part, and each square of the mated side King field is either blocked, or guarded only once." So with the relaxed economy condition for Pawns, with 4 model mates (after 1.. d5, Qxd7, Qc8, bxa6), this problem qualifies as Bohemian.
2025-01-20 06:30:17, by problemist
The following quotes have been selected from the chapter "Art" of "Damn you, entropy! -- 1001 of the greatest Science Fiction quotes" Edited by Guy P. Harrison (* 1963), Prometheus Books, 2024.

"Science explains the world, but only Art can reconcile us to it."
Stanislaw Lem (1921-2006) “King Globares and the Sages,” 1965.

Published in Pravda, 2000. Chess puzzle. There is no mate prepared on 1.. d5 thus 1. Qh2 zugzwang and now on 1.. d5 the sacrificial 2. Qb8+ Qxb8 3. Nb6#; if the bQ leaves the 8th rank 2. Qh8+ 3. QxQ#; if it moves along the 8th rank the R-sacrifice 2. Rxa7+ Kxa7 3. Qa2# (short mates on 1.. Qb8, Qh8 2. Nb6#, Qxh8#); 1.. bxa6 b6 (b5) 2. Qg2+ d5 3. Qxd5#.

Tibor Djablik (* 23.12.1943) Slovak composer from Kysucké Nové Mesto.

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