Chess problem: 10 days ago

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Bruno's Chess Problem: 01/07/2025

G.Cristoffanini, 1st Pr., Chakhmati

Mate in 2(**)
chess problem diagram
White to play


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1. Qf6! ... 2. Qf5#
  1... Qe2 2. Rxd7#
  1... Qf2 2. Be4#
  1... Qg2 2. Nce5#
  1... Qxb3 2. Nge5#
  1... Ne3, Nf2 2. Re3#
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2025-01-07 11:59:42, by problemist
"Out of the cradle endlessly rocking, 
Out of the mocking-bird’s throat, the musical shuttle, 
Out of the Ninth-month midnight."
Walt Whitman (1819-1892) Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking. Leaves of Grass, 1859, 1881.

Л.Исаев МК, 1933-1934. Шахматы в СССР, 1933. The key is 1. Qf6 threatening 2. Qf5# when the bQ may defend in four ways: On 1.. Qxb3, Qg2 2. Nge5#, Nce5# dual avoidance by the pin, 1.. Qf2 2. Be4# (in these three variations the mating moves can intercept the the line e7-e2 as Black has openend the line a2-e2 of wRa2 guarding e2, Somov B1 theme) and 1.. Qe2 2. Rxd7#. A side variation is 1.. Ne3 (Nf2) 2. Re3#. "A study in dual avoidance after opening of a white line. The point of the problem lies not only in the mates that are played after the thematic BQ-defences, but also in those that are avoided and the reasons why they don't work: variously pin, removal of guard, and direct guard." ("Some problems by Guido Cristoffanini - selected with a commentary by John Rice", "The Problemist Supplement," March 2007, p. 802ff). Further reprints in "Die Schwalbe" 1934; "Jornal do Brasil" 1940; "Tages-Anzeiger" 2023.

Guido Cristoffanini (* 15.2.1908 in Genoa, † 22.5.1980 in Genoa) Italian composer, see wikipedia it. "Guido Cristoffanini founded the magazine "Il Problema" in 1931 and his name is linked to the Cristoffanini Theme (thank you Cornel!). On the topic of the Cristoffanini theme, one can read an interesting webpage by Alan Doris Battiston & Riccardo A. Franceschini."

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