Chess problem: 2 days ago
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Bruno's Chess Problem: 01/15/2025
M.Havel, Zlata Praha, 1910
Mate in 3(**)
White to playTip:
Solutions to the chess problem of the day will be made available the following day.
1. Qf6! ... 2. Ng4 ... 3. Qf5#
2... Kxd5 3. Qe5#
1... d6 2. Nc2 ... 3. Qf5#
1... Kxe3 2. Re5+ ... 3. Qd6#
1... g2 2. Ng4 ... 3. Qf5#
2... Kxd5 3. Qe5#
- 2025-01-15 10:50:43, by problemist
- "Come lovely and soothing death,
Undulate round the world, serenely arriving, arriving,
In the day, in the night, to all, to each,
Sooner or later delicate death."
Walt Whitman (1819-1892) When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d, 14. Leaves of Grass, 1865-66, 1881.
A Bohemian Meredith without any wPs and the obligatory three model mates. The flight of the bK to f3 has to be prohibited. Thus the sacrificial 1. Qf6 (with the quiet sacrificial threat 2. Ng4 (3. Rd4#, Qf5#) Kxd5 3. Qe5# model mate). If the bK takes the wN 1.. Kxe3 2. Re5+ Kd~ 3. Qd6# a model mate after 2.. Kd3. Finally on 1.. d6 the sacrificial 2. Nc2 (with the original threats) 2.. Kxd5 3. Qf5# model mate. An elegant problem. Reprinted as No. 33 in Bohemian Garnets, 1923.
Miroslav Havel (* 7.11.1881 in Teplice, † 8.7.1958 in Prague) Czech composer and Grandmaster, see wikipedia de, fr, it, lv, ru. "Miroslav Havel (Miroslav Košťál) composed Bohemian problems with a high degree of mastery and artistry. You can judge by yourself by the selfmate reproduced on wikipedia de. He edited the chess column of newspaper "Čas" (1920-1923) and was honoured by the publication of 500 of his problems in "Bohemian Garnets" in the White Christmas Series. He also wrote "České granáty" (1943)." Both books are available online.
From the "Kalenderblatt" in "Die Schwalbe", August 2008: "Dr. Miroslav Kostal, besser bekannt unter seinem Pseudonym Miroslav Havel (7.11.1881-8.7.1958) ist wohl bis heute der bekannteste Vertreter der böhmischen Problemschule. 1923 widmete A. C. White ihm in seiner Christmas-Serie den Band "Bohemian Garnets". Unter dem Titel "Ceske granaty" erschienen 1936 und 1943 weitere Aufgabensammlungen dieses böhmischen Klassikers."
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Chess Problem of The Day