Chess problem: 6 days ago
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Bruno's Chess Problem: 02/08/2025
V.Rudenko, 1st Price, Scss, 1973
Mate in 3(**)
White to playTip:
With a register account, you could move pieces and mark mates as started or solved.
1. Qg8! ... 2. Qh8+ Bg7 3. Qxg7#
1... Qxe6 2. Bxc7+ Qd6 3. Ng6#
1... Qxd5 2. Ng6+ Kd6 3. Bxc7#

- 2025-02-08 09:07:04, by problemist
- "A civilization that cannot see the sun and stars will be without religion."
Liu Cixin (* 1963), Mountain, 2006.
FIDE Album. ÚV ČSZTV, 31.12.1973. Shown is a 3-fold Rice cycle AB-BC-CA of the second white moves (A = Ng6+, B = Nd3+, C = Bxc7+) on the same black defenses (Qxe6, Qxd5) in three phases. In the set 1.. Qxe6, Qxd5 2. Ng6+, Nd3+ Kxd5, Kxe6 3. Qd3#, Qg6#; in the try 1. Qe3? (threat 2. d4+ cxd4 3. Qxd4#) Qxe6, Qxd5 2. Nd3+, Bxc7+ Kxd5, Qd6 3. Qxc5#, but 1.. cxd5! when 2 d4+ cxd4+ (discovered double check!). The solution is 1. Qg8 (threat 2. Qh8+ Bg7 3. Qxg7#) Qxe6, Qxd5 2. Bxc7+, Ng6+ Qd6, Kd6 3. Ng6#, Bxc7#. For the solver also 1. Kc2?, Kb2?, Qf2? fail to 1.. cxd5! and 1. Bf1? fails to 1.. c4! Reprinted as No. 1056 in Rudenko's "Преследование темы" 1983 and as No. 1280 in Peter Gvozdják's "Cyclone" 2000.
Валентин Федорович Руденко (* 19.2.1938 in Yenakiieve, † 2.4.2016) Ukrainian composer and Super-Grandmaster, see wikipedia de, fr, it, lv, ru, uk. "Valentin Fedorovich Rudenko was a world-famous composer (no. 4 in the FIDE-Album top of composers with more than 200 points) considered by some as the best orthodox problem composer. He was also the author of one of the best chess problem composition books ever written "Преследование темы.— Москва, 1983." He proposed the date of January 4th as International Day of Chess Composition. His problems reached space levels when his threemover of Suomen Shakki 1957, 1st prize, was aboard the mission SOYUZ 9 (it is now on display in a museum in Cheboksary)." By profession he was a leading engineer in the Soviet (and later Russian) space program.
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