Chess figures

Do you want informations and figures about Bruno's Chess Problem of the Day? Welcome on the chess figures! The first chess problem was published on October 16, 2000. On December 31, 2018 I had published 6650 chess problems from checkmate in 1 to checkmate in 6. Look figures below for more details.

The 2267 oldest checkmates are available online. Click on links below to search them in my checkmate database.

The last checkmates

Checkmate Difficulty When Title
Mat #1* 57 days M.Marandiuk, V.Rudenko, Problemas, 1980
Mat #2*** today M.Havel, Ruch, 1947
Mat #3*** 2 days M.Havel, 4th Pr., Zlata Praha, 1910
Mat #4*** yesterday R.Willmers, Deutsche Schachzeitung, 1859
Mat #5**** 6 days G.Sladek, Main Post, 1965
Mat #6**** 26 days H.Lepuschutz, 2nd Pr., Schach-express, 1949

Overall chess problems figures

Checkmates figures
Checkmates in 115
Checkmates in 23 364
Checkmates in 32 294
Checkmates in 4546
Checkmates in 5220
Checkmates in 6211
Difficulties figures
Puzzle difficulties *258
Puzzle difficulties **2 916
Puzzle difficulties ***2 690
Puzzle difficulties ****645
Puzzle difficulties *****130
Puzzle difficulties ******11

Chess problems origins

The best years
Problems from 1902197
Problems from 1976179
Problems from 1952169
Problems from 1975157
Problems from 1982157
The best authors

Chess Problem of The Day


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