C54/c50,c53 Italian [giuoco piano] Discovery 1

Discoveries (theoretical novelties) in C54 Italian Game (Giuoco Piano) /c50 Giuoco Pianissimo, c53 Bird’s Attack/, changing appraisal of its very important systems, are present in this investigation.

Summary of analysis (author's novelties are marked by symbol "AN")

C54 Part 1: 1. e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.c3 Nf6 5.d3 (5.b4)

Paragraph 1: 5.d3 a6 6.0-0!

chess problem diagram

I. 6...d6

[6...b5?!AN(White stands better.); 6...0-0?AN 7. d4! Bb6 (The move 7...Ba7 does not change matter.)-6...Bb6; 7...ed? 8. cd Bb6(or 8...Ba7) 9.d5! (White stands better.); 7...Be7 8.de(White stands better.)] 7.d4!AN Bb6 (or 7...Ba7; 7...ed 8.cd(White stands better.)) 8. de! (White stands slightly better.)

chess problem diagram

II. 6...Bb6AN 7.d4! ed

[7...d6- 6...d6; 7...Qe7(White stands slightly better.); 7...0-0 8. Ne5! Ne4 9. Nf7! Rf7 10. Bf7 Kf7 11.Qh5 Kf8 12. Qh7! Nf6 (12...d5 13.Nd2! Nd2! 14. Bd2 (White stands better and has the attack.)) 13. Qh4! (White stands better and has the attack.) ;8...Ne5 9. de Ne4 10. Bd5!?(with the idea Bf4) (White stands slightly better.) ; 7...Ne4 8.de!? (White stands slightly better.)] 8. cd !? (White stands better.). The moves 8...d5 and 8...Ne4, that open the line "e", lead to very vulnerable position of black king. That is why we shall not consider such interest moves, as 8. e5, 8. Bg5, 8. Re1, 8. Nd4.

III. 6...Ba7 7.d4!AN

(6...Qe7AN 7.d4!-6...Bb6, 6...Ba7). This position is analogous to one, that arises after 6...Bb6 7.d4!

chess problem diagram

IV. 6...Be7!AN 7. d4! d6

(7...ed? 8.e5 (White stands better.);
7...0-0 8.de (White stands slightly better.);
7...Ne4 8.de (White stands slightly better.);
7...Na5 8.Bf7!? Kf7 9.de (White stands better.))

A) 8. de Ne5! 9. Ne5 de. White stands a very small chance to advantage after 10.Qc2! (or 10. Qe2!) with the idea 11.Rd1, 12.Nd2.

B) 8. d5 Nb8 9. Bd3 h6!? (With unclear position.)

C) 8. Qc2! (White stands slightly better.)

It should be noted, that a good move 5...Be7!?AN is possible, but we shall omit its consideration. We are going to consider the strongest black's answer to 5.d3.

Paragraph 2: 5. d3 0-0!

{The idea d7-d5 was realized after 5. d3 0-0 only once (Gelfand -Shirov, 1993) and didn't get further development. White could play stronger in this game after 6. b4 Bb6: 7.Bg5!AN(with unclear position) [7.0-0?! d5!? (7...d6!=) 8. ed Nd5 9.b5!?AN (with the idea Ne5)]. After that the move d7-d5 (or d6-d5) would be impossible.}

chess problem diagram

I. 6. b4 Be7!AN

A) 7. b5 Na5! (7...d5 8.Bd5 Nd5 9.bc!? (White stands better.)) 8.Ne5 d5! 9. ed (9.Bd5 Nd5(Black stands better.))...Bd6

A1) 10. Nf3 Re8 11.Be3 [11.Kf1 h6! White stands bad:

a) 12. Nd4 Bc5!? 13. Qf3 Bg4!? 14. Qg3 Nc4!? 15. dc Bd4 16.cd (with the idea Be3)...Be2! (Black stands better.);

b) 12.Ng1 Bc5!? 13. Qf3 Bg4 14.Qg3 Bd6!? 15. Bf4 (15.Qh4 Qe7 16.Be3 Qf8!? with the idea g5)...Nc4!? 16. dc Bf4 17.Qf4 Re4 with the idea Rc4(Black stands better.);

c)12.Bb3 (with the idea c4)...Nb3 13.ab! (13.Qb3 Qe7!14.Be3! Bf4(Black stands better.) )...Nd5!? 14. c4 (with the idea Nc3)[14.Bb2 Bd7!? 15.c4 Nb4 with the idea Bf5]...Nb4!?15. Nc3? Bf5(Black stands better.);

d)12. Bd2 Bc5! 13. Ne1(13.Qc2 Bf5!?)...Nd5 14. Bd5 Qd5(Black stands slightly better.);

e)12. Ne1 Bc5!? 13. Qf3 Bg4!? (Black stands slightly better.);

f) 12.Qd2 Bc5 (with the idea Nc4,Ne4,Nf2=);12...Bf8!?;

g) 12.Qa4 Qe7 13.Qd1 Qd8= ;

13...Bc5 with the idea Ne4.] ...Bf4!? 12.0-0! Be3 13.fe Re3! 14. Qd2! Nc4!? 15. dc Qe7 (Black stands better.) 16. Na3 Re2!? (with the idea Bf5) (Black stands better.)

A2)10.f4 Re8 11.0-0! Be5 12. fe Re5!? 13. Bf4 (13.Qa4 (Black stands slightly better.)) ...Bg4!? 14.Qa4! Nc4 15. Be5[15.Qc4 Rd5!? 16. Bc7 (16.Qc7Qc7 17.Bc7Rd3 18.Be5 Ne4! (Black stands better.) )...Qd7! 17.b6 Rd3(Black stands slightly better.) ; 15.dc Re2 16.Nbd2(Black stands slightly better.) (16.Bg5?! Qe7(Black stands better.))] ...Ne5 16.d4! Nd7!?(Black stands slightly better.) 17. c4(17.Qb3 Nb6!? 18.c4 Be2 19.Rfc1(Black stands better.)) ...Be2! 18. Rfc1 Nb6with the idea Qd5 (Black stands slightly better.)

chess problem diagram

B)7. 0-0 d5!?(7...d6 is good too.)

8.ed Nd5 9.b5(9.Re1 Nb6!? 10. b5 Nc4!? with good position; 9...Bf6!?) ...Na5 10.Ne5(10.Bd5 Qd5 11.c4 Qd8! (Black stands slightly better.) )...Bf6!

B1) 11. f4 Nc3!?(with the idea Qd4)12. Nc3 Qd4(Black stands better.)

B2) 11. Bd5 Qd5 12. Nf3 Qb5(Black stands better.)

B3) 11. Ba3 Be5[11...Re8 12.Nf7(with the idea Qh5)(12. Nf3 Nc3!? (Black stands slightly better.) )...Qd7 (with the idea Qf7)

a) 13.Re1 Nc4(with the idea Nc3!?) (with unclear position);

b) 13. Qh5? Nc4! 14.dc Nf4! (Black stands better.);

c) 13. Qf3 Nc4 14. dc Nb6!? 15. c5 Qf7!?16.cb ab! (with enough compensation for the material) ;

d) 13. Nh6 gh! 14. Qf3 Nc4 15. dc Nf4 16. Qf4 Be5! (with enough compensation for the material) 17.Qh6!? Qf7 (with enough compensation for the material and with the attack)]

12. Bf8 Kf8 13.Qh5! Nc4 14. dc Bc3! 15.Nc3 (15. Qh7? Ba1 16. Qh8 Ke7 17.Re1 Be6-+) ...Nc3 16. Rac1 [16. Rfc1 Ne4!? (with the idea Qd4; with the idea Nf6) 17.Qh7 Qd4!? with good position] ...Qd2(or 16...Na2) with good position.

B4) 11. Re1 Be6! (with main threat Nc4, Nb6)

a) 12. Bd5 Qd5! (with the idea Qb5) (Black stands slightly better.);

b) 12.Bb3 Be5!? 13. Re5 Nb3 14. ab Nc3!? 15.Nc3 Qd4(Black stands slightly better.);

c) 12.Ba3 Re8 with the initiative;

d) 12. Bd2 Be5!? 13. Re5 Nc4!? 14. dc Nb6!? 15. c5 Nc4!? 16. Re1 (16. Rg5?! f6! 17. Rg3 Qd5 18. Qe2 Rae8 19. Be3 Bd7(Black stands better.)) ...Qe7 (Black stands better.) 17. c6 bc 18. bc Qd6 19. Qa4 Nd2 20. Rd1 Bd5!? (with the idea Qc6) (Black stands better.);

e) 12. Bb2(Black stands slightly better.)

chess problem diagram

II. 6.0-0AN d5!

(6...Be7!? and 6...d6!? are more weak, but are not bad.) 7. ed Nd5 8.b4[8.Re1 doesn't lead to advantage; 8.Bg5 Be7! 9.Be7 Nde7 10.Re1 Ng6 (with the idea 11.Nbd2 a6!) with good position] ...Be7. [The move 8...Bb6 leads to the position of game Gelfand - Shirov, 1993: 9.b5!?AN.] The move 8...Be7 leads to variant "IB".

III. 6. Bg5AN Be7 with good position

IV. 6. Be3AN Be7!

(6...Bb6 7.Bg5!). The next move (7...d5) leads to advantage.

chess problem diagram

Paragraph 3: 5. b4 Be7!AN

(5...Bb6 6.d3 d6 7.Bg5!? (with unclear position)). The game is reduced to variants, that were considered earlier ( paragraph 2).

to be continued...

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Author: Y.Bukayev

Dear reader, here you can see theoretical discoveries-bombs, that change appraisal of important opening systems. You can see email-contact of Yury V. Bukayev, the inventor, the innovator, on Contacts page.

(c) Bukayev, Yury V. 2005; 2005-2015 (summaries)

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