Discoveries (theoretical novelties) in theory of C54 Italian Game (Giuoco Piano) /c50 Giuoco Pianissimo, c53 Bird’s Attack/, changing appraisal of its very important systems, are present in this investigation.
Summary of analysis (author's novelties are marked by symbol "AN")
[This move isn't new, but is with new matter - with following author’s new (AN) plan for white (giving a new appraisal to variant 5…d6)! White doesn't permit d6-d5 and plans 0-0-0 (with the idea d4). The threat is 7. d4 (with the idea de).]
[6...h6 7.Bh4! Bg4?AN 8.Qb3! (White stands better.); 7...g5?!AN 8.Bg3! (White stands slightly better.) Bg4? 9.Qb3! (White stands better.); 6...Bg4?!AN 7.Qb3!Qd7! 8.Qb7!Rb8 9.Qa6 Bf3 (This move creates the threat...Qh3.) Rb2! 11.Bb5?!Bf2! 12.Kd1 0-0!( with the idea Nd8; with the idea Qh3) with the attack ;11.Nbd2!? (White stands slightly better.) (with the idea 0-0-0; with the idea Bb3, 0-0-0; with the idea Bb5)...Nb8 12.Qa5 (White stands slightly better.) .]
A) 7...h6 8.Bh4!g5!? 9.Bg3 Nh5!? 10.Ne5 (10.Qe2,10.Bb3!? with fight for advantage in both cases) ...Ng3 11. Bf7 Ke7 12.Ng6 Kf7 13.Nh8 Qh8 14.fg. Here white can catch initiative with the help of d3-d4, Qd1-h5, 0-0-0!?, and that is why white stands better.
B) 7...h6 8.Bh4! a6 - 6...h6 7.Bh4 a6 8.Nbd2! Bb6!? (part V). The sequence of moves 7...h6 8.Bh4!g5 9.Bg3 Bg4 10.Bb3!a6 leads only to rearrangement of moves.
(White stands slightly better.) Nh5! 9.d4! [9.Nbd2 leads to fight for advantage; the next move is bad: 9.Ne5? Ng3 10.Bf7 (10.Nf7 Qf6 11.d4 Nh1 12.Qh5 Rf8!?-+)...Ke7 11.Ng6 Kf7 12.Nh8 Qh8 13.fg , because black doesn't permit white to catch initiative and stands better:13...d5[The variant 13...Be6 14.d4Nd4! (with the idea Bd4, Bb2) deserves attention too.]14.d4 Be7 15.Qb3! Qd8 16.ed Na5 17.Qb5 b6 (Black stands better.) ;14.Qb3 Qd8 15.d4(15.ed Qe8!)...Be7 (Black stands better.) .] ...Ng3 10.fg!?ed 11.cdBb6! 12.Rf1! (White stands slightly better.)
A) 12...g4 13.Nh4 Rf8 14.Bb5 (White stands slightly better.)
B) 12...Bg4 13.h3 Bh5 (13...Bf3 14.Qf3 Qe7 15.Bf7 Kd8 16.Nc3 Nd4 17.Qd3 (White stands slightly better.)) 14.g4 Bg6 15.Nc3 (White stands slightly better.)
C) 12...a6 13.Nfd2 Rf8 14.Qh5 Qe7 15.Nc3 (White stands slightly better.)
D) 12...Rf8 13.Bb5 (White stands slightly better.)
E) 12...0-0 13.Bb5 (White stands slightly better.) or 13.Nc3 g4 14.Nh4 (White stands better.)
(We are going to discuss only g7-g5 without preliminary...Bb6 in this part.) ...g5AN9.Bg3
A) 9...Nh5 10.Be6!?fe 11.b4 (11.Ng1!?) ...Bb6 12.Nc4! (White stands slightly better.)
B) 9...Bc4 10.Nc4 Nh5 (...b5(White stands slightly better.)) 11.b4!? Bb6 12.a4!? a5 (12...a6 13.d4!? (White stands slightly better.) ;12...Ng3 13.hg!? (White stands slightly better.) 13...d5??14.ed!?Qd5 15.a5!?e4 16.Qe2 (White stands better.)) 13.Nb6 cb 14.b5 Ng3 [14...Ne7 15.d4! Ng3 16.hg!?Qc7 (16...Rc8!de 18.Qd8 (White stands better.) ) 17.0-0! (White stands better.) ; 14...Nb8 15.d4!Ng3 16.hg!?Qe7 (16...Qc7 17.Qb3 (White stands better.) )!?(17.0-0!?) 18. Qd5 f6 19.Rd1!( with the idea Rh6) (White stands better.)] 16.fg (16.hgNb8 17.d4 (White stands better.)) ...Ne7 17.0-0 (with the idea Nd2) (White stands better.).
It should be marked, that 7...Na5AN 8.Bb5c6 9.Ba4 b5 10.Bc2 b4?! (10...Nb7(White stands slightly better.)) 11.a3!? (White stands better.) ba 12.Na3 (White stands better.).
(The sequence of moves 6...h6 7.Bh4!Be6 8.Nbd2Qd7AN does not change matter.)
A) 8.Qe2!(White stands slightly better.)
B) 8.b4!?( with the idea 9.Be6) (White stands slightly better.).
(8.h3AN, 8.a3AN with fight for advantage in both cases.)
A) 8...Na5AN [8...Bg4?AN 9.Qb3! Na5
(9...0-0 10.Qc2!? with the attack >>
Na5 11.h3!? with the attack)
10.Bf7 Kf8!? 11.Qa4 Bd7!? 12.Qc2 Kf7 13.b4 Bb6 the idea Nc4)
(White stands better.)]
9.b4!? Nc4 10.bc! Nd2
[10...g5(White stands slightly better.);
a) cd(11...g5 12.Bg3cd 13.d4! (White stands slightly better.);
11...Qd6?! 12.d4!? Nd7(12...ed 13.e5!? Qe6!( with the idea Nd5)
(White stands better.))
13.Bg3f6 14.Nh4 (White stands better.))
12.d4! Nc6!
[13.h3(with the idea Qe2, de, Nc4 {or Bg3 instead of Nc4})
(White stands slightly better.)]!? 14.Qc2 (White stands slightly better.);
14.h3(White stands slightly better.);
14.Bg3 Bg4 15.Q~ (White stands slightly better.);
b)11.d4!? (with the idea
12.Qa4c6!? (White stands better.)
)...ed!? with the initiative]
11.Qd2! Bg4 [(with the idea Bf3,dc); 11....g5? 12.Ng5! (White stands better.)] (White stands slightly better.)
cd (12...Qd6 13.Bg3Bf3! Nh5 15.d4! (White stands slightly better.))
13.Qb2 Qc7!? 14.c4 (White stands better.);
14.Nd2!? (White stands better.);
13.h3 (White stands better.);
13.0-0-0 (White stands better.).
B) 8...Bb6AN (with the idea Bg4!?; with the idea Na5) 9.Bb3!
B1) 9....Bg4 10.Nc4 Ba7! 11.h3 Bh5! 12.g4 Bg6 [12...g5?! gh 14.Nh4 Ne4 15.Qf3!? Bf2 (15...Qh4 16.Qf7(with the idea Ne4)(White stands better.)) 16.Kd1Qh4 17.Qf7(with the idea Ne4)(White stands better.) Kd8 18.Ne4 Be3 19.Nf6 Nb8 20.Qg7 (White stands better.)] 13.Ne3 (with threat 14.Nd5! (with the idea Nf6).)
B1a) 13...Bh7 14.Nf5! Bf5 (14...Rg8 (White stands better.))! (White stands slightly better.) Qd7 (White stands slightly better.) (15...Na5 16.Ba4b5 17.b4!?ba 18.Qa4!c6! stands slightly better.))
B1b) 13...Ne7? 14.Nf5 (White stands better.) (with the idea Ng7!) ...Nf5?! (14...Bf5 (White stands better.) ) 15.ef (White stands better.) Bh7 16.Qd2+- (with the idea 16...Qd7 17.Bf6).
B1c) 13...Qd7! 14.Nf5 (14.Bf6gf 15.Nd5Qd8 16.Nh4Nb8! 17.Qf3Nd7 18.Nf5 (White stands slightly better.)) ...Bf5! 0-0-0! (White stands slightly better.) (15...Na5 16.Ba4 (White stands better.))
B2) 9...g5 10.Bg3 Bg4 11.Nc4 (11.Qe2!?) ...Ba7! 12.Qe2!? [12.Qd2. White fights for advantage after both 12...Nh5 and 12...Qe7. White stands better after 12...Qd7? 13.h4!] ...Qd7 (12...Qe7 (White stands slightly better.) ;12...Nh5 13.h3 (White stands slightly better.)) 13.0-0-0!? 0-0-0 (13...Nh5 14.h3Nf4 15.Bf4Bf3 16.Qf3!gf 17.g3! (White stands slightly better.)) 14.h3! Bh5 15.Bh2!?[White plans 16.g4, 17.Ne3, 18.Nf5(with the idea d4).] ...Rhe8
{a)15...g4 16.hg (White stands slightly better.) Bg4 [16...Ng4(with the idea f5) 17.Bg3!?Bg6! 18.Nh4! (White stands slightly better.) ;18.Ne3 (White stands slightly better.) ; 18.Nh2!?( with the idea f4) (White stands slightly better.) . For example: 18.Nh4!Bh5 (18...Bh7 19.f3 with the idea Ne3 (White stands slightly better.) ) 19.f3 b5 (19...Nf6 (White stands slightly better.) ) 20.fg (White stands slightly better.) .] 17.Ne3!Bh5 (...Be3(White stands slightly better.) ) 18.Bg3!( with the idea Bh4)...Rdg8 (18...Rde8? 19.Nd5 (White stands better.) ; 18...Ne7 19.Bh4!?Neg8 19.Nd5 (White stands better.) ) 19.Nd5! (White stands slightly better.) Nd5 (...Bf3 (White stands slightly better.) ) 20.Rh5!Nf4 (...Nf6 21.Rf5 (White stands better.) ) 21.Bf4ef 22.Rdg1!? (White stands better.) ;
b) 15...Bg6 16.g4!?Nh7 17.d4f6! (White stands better.);
c) 15...Ne7 16.d4!? (White stands slightly better.);
d)15...b5 16.Ne3! Na5 [16...Ne7 17.g4 (17.Bc2!?)...Bg6 18.Ne5!de 19.Be5Qc6 (...Neg8 20.Nd5 (White stands better.) ) 20.Nd5 N7d5! 21.ed! (White stands better.) ] 17.Bc2(with the idea d4)...c5!18.g4!?Bg6 19.Nf5 (with the idea d4) (19.h4!?Ng4 20.Ng4 with the idea R~g1) ...Nc6 20.b4[20.Qd2(with the idea d4)(White stands slightly better.); 20.Rd2!? (White stands slightly better.); 20.Rhg1 (with the idea h4) (White stands slightly better.)] ...cb 21.d4 (White stands slightly better.)}
16.g4!? Bg6 (White stands slightly better.)
B2a) 17.Ne3?!Ne7! 18.Bc2 White fights for advantage.
B2b) 17.Qd2 [with the idea 18.Bc2, 19.Rhe1, 20.d4 (in order to play e4-e5! in the case of...ed) (White stands better.) or 20.Re2, 21.Qe1!? (21.Rde1 (White stands better.) ), 22.d4(in order to play cd!? in the case of...ed) (White stands better.) ; with the idea 18.Rhe1,19.Bc2 etc.] (White stands better.)
B2c) 17.Bc2 [with the idea 18.Qd2, 19.Rhe1 etc.; with the idea 18. Rhe1, 19.Qd2 etc.] (White stands better.)
B2d) 17.Rhe1 [with the idea 18.Bc2, 19.Qd2 etc.; with the idea 18.Qd2, 19. Bc2 etc.] (White stands better.)
It should be marked, that 17.Qd2 Re7?! (17...h5? 18.Qg5hg 19.Qf6! (White stands better.)) 18.Ne3!? (Now the move...Ne7 is impossible.)...Re8! (18...h5 19.Nf5Re8 (19...Bf5 (White stands slightly better.) ) 20.Qg5!? (White stands better.) ) 19.Nf5 (White stands slightly better.)
B3) 9...Na5
B3a) 10.Ba4 Bd7 (10...Nc6 11.d4!? (White stands slightly better and has the initiative.)) 11.Bd7!? [11.d4Ba4!? 12.Qa4Qd7 13.Qc2 (with the idea de) (White stands slightly better.)] ...Qd7 12.d4!? (White stands slightly better.)
B3b) 10.Bc2g5 (10...Bg4 11.h3! Bh5 12.g4! Bg6 13.d4! (White stands slightly better.)) 11.Bg3 Nh5 (11...Bg4!?) 12.d4!? (White stands slightly better.)
C) 8...Be6AN 9.Qe2
C1) 9...Ba7 10.0-0-0!? Na5 11.Be6 fe 12.d4! ed! (White stands slightly better.) Qd7!? 14.Rhe1 (with the idea e5, Qe5) (White stands slightly better.)
C2) 9...Bg4 [9...Bb6 10.0-0-0!? and further, like in B1).] 10.h3 (10.Nf1!?) ...Bh5 11.g4!? Bg6 12.0-0-0 (12.Bb3; 12.Nf1!?) (White stands slightly better.)
D)8...Ba7AN (with the idea Na5)
D1) 9.a3! (White stands slightly better.)
D2) 9.Bb3 (9.Qc2Na5!? 10.Qa4c6 11.Bf7!Kf7 12.b4 (with unclear position)) ...Be6!? (9...g5 10.Bg3Bg4. White fights for advantage.) 10. Qe2!? (10.Qc2; 10.Nc4!?; 10.Bc2) ...Bb3 11.ab (White stands slightly better.). For example: 11....g5!? 12.Bg3Nh5 13.0-0-0 [13.Ne5!Ng3 (13...Ne5 [x d3] 14.Qh5Nd3 (White stands slightly better.) ; 14.Qh5 (with the idea 0-0-0!?) (White stands slightly better.)) 14.Nc6Ne2 15.Nd8Nf4! 16.Nb7 (White stands better.) ]...Nf4 14.Bf4gf 15.Nc4!? (White stands slightly better.)
E) 8...g5AN 9.Bg3 Nh5 10.Ne5!? (10.Qe2 with fight for advantage) ...Ng3 11.Bf7 Ke7 12.Ng6 Kf7 13.Nh8 Qh8 14.fg d5! 15.Qb3!?Qd8! 16.edQe8 (16...Na5? 17.Qd1 (White stands better.)) 17.Ne4 [with the idea 17...Ne5 (17...Nd8 is possible too) 18.Kd2!?] with the attack
(8.Qb3?Qe7 9.Qb7!Rb8!? 10.Qa6Rb6! 11.Qa4Rb2 with enough counter-play )
A) 8...g5 9.Bg3 Nh5! 10.Ne5 (10.Qe2 and 10.Bb3!? lead to fight for advantage) ...Ng3 11.Bf7 Ke7 12.Ng6 Kf7 13.Nh8 Qh8 14.fg Kg7 (14...d5 15.Qb3!? (White stands better.) Bd6 16.Qd5 (White stands better.)) 15.d4! White catches initiative, and that is why white stands better.
B) 8...Na5 9.Bf7 (9.b4!?; 9.Bd5!?) ...Kf7 10. b4 Bf2 [10...Nc6? 11.bc(White stands better.); 10...Bb6 Ba5 12. Qb3 Be6 13. Qb7 Bc3 14. Rc1! Ba5 15.0-0(White stands slightly better and has the initiative.); 10...Bb5 11.Nb3!? Nb3 (11...Bd3? 12.Na5 (White stands better.); 11...Ba4 12.bc!? Nc6 13.Qb1 (White stands better.); 11...Bb4 12.cb Nb3 13.Qb3 Kf8 14. a4 Bd7 15. 0-0! (White stands slightly better.) (with the idea 15...g5 16.Bg3 Nh5!? 17.d4! (White stands better.) )) 12.Qb3 Kf8 13. c4 Bb4! 14.Qb4 Bc6! (White stands slightly better.)] 11. Bf2 (11.Kf2-part VII) ...Nc6 12.h3!? (White stands slightly better.)
(7.a3,7.Bb3 with fight for advantage in both cases; 7.d4Bb6! (with unclear position)) ...Na5 [7...Qe7 (with the idea h6,g5) (White stands slightly better.); 7...a6 (White stands slightly better.)] 8.Bf7 (8.b4!?; 8.Bd5!?) ...Kf7 9.b4 Bf2! (Other moves lead to positions, that are analogous to ones of part VI.) 10.Kf2Nc6 11.Rf1
A) 11...Rf8 12.Kg1 Kg8 13.d4 (White stands slightly better.)
B) 11...h6 12. Bh4 Rf8 (12...g5 13.Bg3!? (White stands slightly better.)) 13. Kg1!? (with the idea Bf6) ...Kg8! 14.d4. If black goes 14...ed, white will get advantage in centre and on king's side. If black goes in another way, white will be able to form the isolated black pawn e5, that is why white will stand better.
(6...h6 7.Bh4 Qe7AN - 6...Qe7) 7.Nbd2!? h6 8.Bh4 g5 [8...Be6 (with the idea Bc4,Qe6) (White stands slightly better.)] 9.Bg3 Nh5 (White stands slightly better.)( The move 9...Bg4 is more weak.).
Download all C54 Giuoco Piano games in PGN format.
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(c) Bukayev, Yury V. 2005; 2005-2015 (summaries)
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