Checkmate 05-05-2006
Bruno's Chess Problem: 05/05/2006
J.Szoghy, 1623 Magyar Sakkelet 7, 1954
Mate in 2(**)
White to playTip:
Solutions to the chess problem of the day will be made available the following day.
1. Rxd7! ... 2. Ne5#
1... Nd6 2. Nxd6#
1... Bf4 2. Qe4#
1... Bf6, Re3 2. Nd2#
1... Re4 2. Qxc5#
1... Nd3 2. Qe6#
1... Nf3 2. Qd3#
Chess Problem of The Day
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May » J.Szoghy, 1623 Magyar Sakkelet 7, 1954