WGM Alina A. Kashlinskaya's personal site

Alina A. Kashlinskaya pict

Alina A. Kashlinskaya

Dear readers! Let us to introduce the popular and excellent chess site, our new site-friend, situated in Moscow. It’s WGM Alina A. Kashlinskaya’s personal site in Russian!

First of all, we should look at Ms.Kashlinskaya’s biographical data, some personal data, main chess and other successes (section “Biography”). Thus, about her main chess successes in this section:

  • Alina A. Kashlinskaya is the youngest Woman Grand Master in Europe.
  • Her maximum Elo rating was 2389 (the data are indicated in 2012, January, the 1st).
  • She has 7th position in Women World Rating list under 20 years old,
  • 17th position in Women Russian Rating list,
  • 91st position in Women World Rating list (the data are indicated in 2012, May, the 1st).
  • And the top of the site tells us, that she became a Woman Grand Master in 15!

We can see Ms.Kashlinskaya’s introduction with a greeting near her photo on the main page and the large section “News” under it. This section News contains a list of latest events concerned with her chess activity: her player’s successes, interviews, other publications in press about her person and activity, her own publications, increase of her fame as a chess poet and other important events. Other main sections of Ms.Kashlinskaya’s site are listed as links at the left (under top link “Biography”): “My coaches”, “My photos”, “My chess games”, “My articles”, “My poems and songs”, “My civic position”, “Encyclopedias and reference sources about me”, “News sources about me”, “Publications about me”, “Video materials about me”, “Forums about me”, “Collaboration”. Of course, WGM A. Kashlinskaya’s site (the chess star’s site) may be very attractive and very interesting for different kinds of visitors!

We hope, this our article can help you to explore WGM A. Kashlinskaya’s site, even if you don’t know Russian.

Author: Bruno Berenguer

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