D10 Slav defence: Exchange variation: white’s new system!

Published: December 26, 2023

In this investigation we’ll consider the new and enough strong system for white.

Author’s novelties are marked by the symbol “AN”.

1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.cd cd

Paragraph 1: 4.Nc3 Nf6

chess problem diagram

5.a3!? AN [White can have different plans here including 6.f3 with 7.e4.]

I)5…e6 6.Bf4 [6.Bg5 is also good] 6…Bd6 [6…Qb6?! 7.e3, and White stands better: 7…Qb2?? 8.Na4 +-.] White has a very little advantage.

II)5…Nc6 6.Bg5 White has a very little advantage.


A)6.Bf4 White fights for a very little advantage.

B)6.Nf3 White fights for a very little advantage.

C)6.f3 e6! [6…Nc6? 7.e4! Bg6 (7…de 8.d5! White has an advantage) 8.e5 Ng8 9.Be3 White has an advantage; 6...Bg6 7.Bg5 with some advantage; 6...h6 7.Qb3 Nc6! 8.e4 de 9.d5 Na5 10.Qa4 Bd7 11.Bb5! with the unclear position, where it isn't easy for black to find the best moves] 7.Bg5! Be7 [7…h6 8.Bf6! with an advantage] 8.e4 de 9.Bf6 Bf6 10.fe. In the quiet opening system White gets a chance to attack at different places of the board, so black is under a psychological blow. The position is unclear, and it is enough probable, black has some advantage, in fact, but he doesn’t feel it.

chess problem diagram

Author: Y.Bukayev

Bukayev, Yury (istinayubukayev@yandex.ru)

© 2023 Yury V. Bukayev (Copyright © Bukayev Yury Vyacheslavovich 2023). All rights reserved.

[A legal using of this investigation with a reference to it is permitted and doesn’t require author’s consent.]

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