In this investigation we’ll consider the new and enough strong system for white.
Author’s novelties are marked by the symbol “AN”.
5.a3!? AN [White can have different plans here including 6.f3 with 7.e4.]
I)5…e6 6.Bf4 [6.Bg5 is also good] 6…Bd6 [6…Qb6?! 7.e3, and White stands better: 7…Qb2?? 8.Na4 +-.] White has a very little advantage.
II)5…Nc6 6.Bg5 White has a very little advantage.
A)6.Bf4 White fights for a very little advantage.
B)6.Nf3 White fights for a very little advantage.
C)6.f3 e6! [6…Nc6? 7.e4! Bg6 (7…de 8.d5! White has an advantage) 8.e5 Ng8 9.Be3 White has an advantage; 6...Bg6 7.Bg5 with some advantage; 6...h6 7.Qb3 Nc6! 8.e4 de 9.d5 Na5 10.Qa4 Bd7 11.Bb5! with the unclear position, where it isn't easy for black to find the best moves] 7.Bg5! Be7 [7…h6 8.Bf6! with an advantage] 8.e4 de 9.Bf6 Bf6 10.fe. In the quiet opening system White gets a chance to attack at different places of the board, so black is under a psychological blow. The position is unclear, and it is enough probable, black has some advantage, in fact, but he doesn’t feel it.
Bukayev, Yury (
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