C63 Yanish [Schliemann Defence] Discoveries

Discoveries in Yanish Gambit (Schliemann Defence, Schliemann Gambit), changing appraisal of its most important variants, are present in this investigation.

Summary of analysis (author's novelties are marked by symbol "AN")

[C63] 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 f5

chess problem diagram

Paragraph 1: 4.Nc3!?

[We shall not consider well-known answers to this move (these answers lead to black's counter-play with not bad outlook for black). We are going to consider the answer, that was invented by M.V. Blokh (A. Grishuk`s coach). The importance of this answer remained to be absolutely underestimated (including in the M.V. Blokh's work) till the present article.]

4...fe 5.Ne4 Nge7 6.d4 [6.Qe2AN Ng6!? 7.d4 Qe7 (Black stands slightly better.); 6.0-0AN a6! 7.Ba4 (7.Bc6 Nc6 (with the idea Be7) (Black stands slightly better.)) ...d5! 8.Nc3Qd6 9.Re1 (9.Bc6Nc6 (Black stands slightly better.)) ...b5 (with enough counter-play)] ...d5 [6...edAN 7.Nd4 (7.Bg5 a6!? 8.Ba4 b5 9.Bb3 d5 10.Ng3 h6!? (Black stands slightly better.); 8.Be2 d5 9.Ng3 Qd6!? (with the idea Ng6; with the idea h6!?) (Black stands slightly better.)) ...Ng6 (with the idea 8.Nc6 bc) with quite good position] 7.Nc3!AN [7.Ng3 ed 8.Nd4 (8.Qe2AN Qd6!? (with enough counter-play)) ...Qd6!?AN (with the idea 9.Nc6 Nc6) (with enough counter-play); 7.Ne5?AN de 8.Bg5 (8.Nc6 bc 9.Qh5 g6 10.Qe5 cb 11.Qh8 Qd6!? (Black stands better.); 11....Qd5 (Black stands better.); 8.d5a6 (Black stands better.)) ...Qd6! (Black stands better.)] ...ed [7...Bg4 8.de!] 8.Nd4 [8.Qd4 Bd7!? 9.Qd1 (9.Bc6 bc!? (with the idea Nf5) with quite good position: 10.Bg5Nf5!? 11.Qe5Be7 (with the idea 0-0,Bg5) (with enough counter-play); 10.Ne5 Nf5!? 11.Qd3 Bd6!? (with the idea 0-0) (with enough counter-play)) ...Nb4!? 10.Qe2 Bb5!? 11.Qb5 Nec6 (with enough counter-play)] ...Qd6 9.Nc6[The moves 9.Qf3 (with the idea Bf4) and 9.g3(with the idea Bf4) don't lead to advantage; 9.0-0 Bd7 10.Re1 (10.Nc6 bc (with enough counter-play); 10.Bg5 h6 (Black stands slightly better.)) ...0-0-0 (with the idea 11.Bc6 Bc6!) 11.Bg5 h6!? (with enough counter-play); 9.Qe2 Bd7 (Black stands slightly better.)] ...bc 10.Ba4 Bd7!? (with the idea 11.Qe2?? d4 - +) [10...g6!? (with unclear position); 10...d4 (with the idea Qb4, dc, Ba6) (with unclear position); 10...Ba6!? (with the idea d4) (with unclear position); 10...Be6? 11.Qe2! (White stands slightly better.) Nf5 12.Bf4! (White stands better.)] 11.0-0 Ng6!? (with enough counter-play)

chess problem diagram

Paragraph 2: 4.Bc6! dc

[4...bc 5.Ne5!? (White stands slightly better.). Here the following variants deserve the main attention: 5...Qf6AN 6.d4 Bd6 and 5...Qg5AN. The following variants deserve attention too, but this attention should be lesser: 5...Qf6AN 6.d4 fe 7.0-0 Bd6 (and even 7...d6!?), 5...d6AN.]

5.ef!?AN [Most probably, it is a best move. It leads (after 5...e4) to well-known position, but with right sequence of white's moves.] ...e4 [The rest of answers (5...Bd6AN, 5...Bf5AN, 5...Bc5AN, 5...Qf6AN, 5...Qd6AN and other) leads to white's advantage too, most probably.] 6.Qe2! [6.Ne5ANBf5!? 7.g4 is more weak.] ...Qe7!? [The answers 6...Nf6AN and 6...Bf5AN deserve attention too, and here white has an advantage, most probably.] 7.Nd4 Nh6 [This move is suggested by M.V. Blokh and leads, according to his erroneous assertion, to equality. The answer 7...Qe5 is stronger, but white has an advantage after 8.c3!?AN Bd6 9.Na3! Ba3 10.ba Bf5 11.Nf5 Qf5 12.f3 Nf6 13.d3 Qc5! 14.Bd2! 0-0-0 15.de; 14...Qa3 15.0-0! (8.Ne6!? Be6 9.fe Bd6 leads to an unclear position with white's initiative; 8.Qc4!?AN is interesting, since after 8...Bc5 9.Nb3 Bd6 10.Nc3 Bf5 11.Nd4! Bd7 12.Nde2 Nf6 13.Ng3 Be6 14.Qe2 Bd5 15.Nd5 cd 16.Qb5!? white can get two extra pawns, but with the start of black's attack). The rest of answers (7...Nf6 and other) leads, most probably, to white's advantage.] 8.Qh5!?AN (White stands slightly better.) Kd8 [The move 8...Nf7 doesn't save too, most probably. We are going to consider the rest of answers: 8...g6 9.fg Bg4 (9...Bg7 10.gh (White stands better.); 9...Qg7 10.gh!? Nf7 (10...Kd8 (White stands better.)) 11.Nf5 (White stands slightly better.)) 10.g7 Bh5 11.ghQ 0-0-0 (White stands better.); 8...Qf7 9.Qf7 Nf7 (9...Kf7? 10.Nc3 (White stands better.) Nf5 (10...Bf5 11.Nf5 Nf5 12.Ne4 (White stands better.)) 11.Nde2! Nd6 12.Ng3 (White stands better.)) 10.Nc3 (White stands better.) Nd6 11.Kd1 (White stands better.).] 9.Ne6!? Be6 10.fe Qe6 [10...g6 11.Qe2 (White stands better.). The move 10...Ng8 isn't better, than the move 10...Qe6.] 11.Nc3 Ng8! 12.Qh4 Nf6 13.0-0 (White stands better.)

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Author: Y.Bukayev

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