Discoveries (theoretical novelties) in c57 Fritz variation (two knights defence), changing appraisal of its very important systems, are present in this investigation.
Summary of analysis (author's novelties are marked by symbol "AN")
Addition to paragraph 1:
After publishing of Part 1 of my investigation about the new strong and important gambit (called as “Nh4-Bukayev gambit”) I have discovered, that in some cases white has also the following very strong plan! It is white’s very strong attack (with a sacrifice of its knight on h4), when the move f3xe4 is impossible. For example:
12…Qe7 13.0-0! e3! 14.dxe3! (This my new idea is really not easy for discovering as very strong idea.) 14…g5 15.e4 gxh4 16.Re1 (with the idea e4-e5!). White stands better.
Dear reader, here you can see theoretical discoveries-bombs, that change appraisal of important opening systems. You can see email-contact of Yury V. Bukayev, the inventor, the innovator, on Contacts page.
(c) Bukayev, Yury V. 2005; 2005-2015 (summaries)
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