Modern bishop’s opening C55, 2 knights: bomb 1

Discoveries (theoretical novelties) in theory of modern bishop’s opening C55 (two knights defence), changing appraisal of its very important systems, are present in this investigation.

Summary of analysis (author's novelties are marked by symbol "AN")

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Nc3 Be7 5.d3

Paragraph 1: 5…h6 6.d4! AN

[We’ll consider other white’s 6th moves in paragraphs 4,5.] 6…d6! (White stands slightly better. The best way is 7.Bb5!, that is similar to Spanish opening: C62 Old Steinitz defence. White stands slightly better.)


chess problem diagram


A) 8.Qd8 Bd8, and white has a position, that is extremely near to the well-known position of Hungarian defence C50: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Be7 4.d4 d6 de 6.Qd8 Bd8 7.Nc3 Nf6.

B) 8.Bd5 (White stands slightly better.) …Bd7! 9.a3. White plans 0-0-0 and stands slightly better in both cases.


chess problem diagram

7…Ne5! 8.Ne5! de 9.Qf3!

(White stands slightly better.) …0-0?! 10.h3 (with the idea 11.Qg3 or 11.g4). White stands better.

Author: Y.Bukayev

Dear reader, here you can see theoretical discoveries-bombs, that change appraisal of important opening systems. You can see email-contact of Yury V. Bukayev, the inventor, the innovator, on Contacts page.

(c) Bukayev, Yury V. 2005; 2005-2015 (summaries)

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