This article shows, that the way 4.Nc3! (c55/c46,c47 Italian Variation) has a large absolute strengh for white. This extremely important conclusion is a result of the new theoretical discoveries (novelties).
Thus, it is discovered, that after 4…Nxe4 5.Nxe4 d5 6.Bd3 white stands slightly better, for example: 6…dxe4 7.Bxe4 Bd6 (other moves lead, as it is shown, to white’s advantage too) 8.Bxc6!, and black doesn’t have, as it is shown, enough compensation for destruction of their pawn structure.
This article has an auxiliary function only: go, please, to the basic article with the new theoretical discoveries in Italian variation by clicking “c46,c47 Four knights (Bc4! Italian) Discovery 1”!
Dear reader, here you can see theoretical discoveries-bombs, that change appraisal of important opening systems. You can see email-contact of Yury V. Bukayev, the inventor, the innovator, on Contacts page.
(c) Bukayev, Yury V. 2005; 2005-2015 (summaries)
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