Discoveries (theoretical novelties) in theory of C50 Italian four knights variation of giuoco pianissimo (Italian game /giuoco piano /Italian opening), changing appraisal of its very important systems, are present in this investigation.
Summary of analysis (author's novelties are marked by symbol "AN")
6.Be3! (White stands slightly better. It’s an author’s new appraisal.)
[6…Qe7?! AN 7.Bg5 Na5 8.Nd5 Qd6 9.Bf6!? gf 10.Nh4 (With the idea Qf3; with the idea Nf5. White stands better.); 6…Bb6?! AN 7.Bb6! (White stands better.); 6…Bb4?! AN 7.a3! (White stands slightly better.)] 7.fe
A) 7…Ng4 8.Qe2 Na5! 9.h3! AN Nc4! 10.dc! Nf6 (10…Nh6 11.Ne5 Qh4 12.Kd2 White stands slightly better.) 11.Qf2, or 11.g4, or 11.0-0. Both black and white have weaknesses in all these cases, but white stands better everywhere.
B) 7…Na5 AN 8.Ne5 Qe7! 9.Ng4 Ne4! 10.Bf7! Kf7 White stands better.
C) 7…d6 8.a4! AN White stands slightly better.
D) 7…b5 AN 8.Bd5! Nd5 (8…b4?! 9.Bc6) 9.ed! Nb8 [The move 9…Na7 isn’t better; 9…b4 10.dc (White stands better.); 9…Ne7?! 10.Ne5! f6 11.Qf3!? fe 12.d6! Nc6 13.Nd5! Rf8 (13…cd 14.0-0 White wins.) 14.Qh5 g6 15.Qh7 (White wins.); 10…b4 11.d6!? f6! Qe7 13.Qh5 g6 14.Ng6 White wins.] 10.e4 d6! 11.h3 f5! (11…0-0? 12.g4 White stands better.) 12.ef Bf5 13.Qd2! (with the idea Ng5, with the idea 0-0-0; with the idea g4). White has an initiative and stands slightly better.
6…Be7 AN 7.Nd5! (with the idea Ne7)
…Nd5! (7…Bf8? 8.Bg5) 8.Bd5! d6 9.Ng5! Bg5 10.Qh5 White stands slightly better.
A) 7.Qd2! AN d6 [7…h6 8.Ba7 (White stands slightly better.); 7…0-0 8.Bg5! White stands slightly better.]
A1) 8.Ba7!? Ra7 9.d4! 0-0! [9…Bg4!? Bf3!? (White stands slightly better.); 9…Ne4 10.Ne4 d5 11.Bd3 de 12.Be4 Nd4 13.Ne5 Ne6 (13…0-0? 14.Rd1!) 14.Qe2! (With the idea Qh5. White stands slightly better.); 9…Qe7 White stands slightly better.] or 10.Qe3. White stands slightly better in both cases, although black’s pawn is on h7, but not on h6.
A2) 8.a4! (White plans 9.Bg5 h6 10.Bh4, where it will stand slightly better.) 8…h6 9.Ba7 Ra7 10.d4! White stands slightly better.
B) 7.a4! AN h6 [7…d6 8.Qd2! –“A2”] 8.Qd2! d6 9.Ba7 –“A2”.
6…d6 AN
(6…b6 AN 7.Bc5 bc 8.Bd5! Qe7 9.Bc6 dc. White has a winning attack against tripled pawns and stands better.) 7.Bc5 dc 8.Bd5! Qd6 (8…Qe7 isn’t better) 9.Bc6 bc. White has a winning attack against tripled pawns and stands better.
It is important to say, that paragraph 1, paragraph 2 have changed the appraisal of the oldest “drawn” defences and the face of 1.e4 e5 chess opening theory!!
[to be continued (paragraphs 3,4)]
Dear reader, here you can see theoretical discoveries-bombs, that change appraisal of important opening systems. You can see email-contact of Yury V. Bukayev, the inventor, the innovator, on Contacts page.
(c) Bukayev, Yury V. 2005; 2005-2015 (summaries)
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