Vienna game C26 theory: reflectogen No.1: bomb!

Discoveries (theoretical novelties) in theory of C26 Vienna game (Falkbeer variation / Falkbeer defence), changing appraisal of its very important systems, are present in this investigation.

Summary of analysis (author's novelties are marked by symbol "AN")

1.e4 e5 2.d3 Bc5 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Nf3!

Paragraph 1: 4…Nc6

chess problem diagram

[Italian variation (four knights game / two knights defence) reversed. The other way is 4…d6?! 5.Na4!AN: white has an advantage.] The move 4...Nc6 doesn’t lead to equality (it is author’s new appraisal!). 5.Na4!AN (White has an advantage.) [5.Ne5 AN Ne5! 6.d4 (It is a reflection of C55/c46,c47-position: 1.e4 e5 2.Bc4 Nf6 3.Nc3 Nc6 4.Nf3! Ne4 5.Ne4! d5. My discoveries in C55/c46,c47 show, that 6.Bd3! leads to white’s advantage in C55/c46,c47.) 6…Bd6! Be5 8.Bd3! Bc3! Black has an advantage. Don’t mix, please, the term “reflection” (“reflected”) with “reverse” (“reversed”)!] 5…Be7! 6.c4 Bb4! White has an advantage.

Paragraph 1: 4…Ng4

chess problem diagram

[The acceptance of the gambit 4.Nf3.] 5.d4! [It is a reflection of famous C57-position: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5 d5.] 5…ed


6.Nd5 AN [This is a reflection of C57: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5 d5 5.ed Nd4. My discoveries in C57 show, that 6.d6 leads to white’s advantage in C57.] 6…d3 7.Qd3 Bf2 8.Ke2 Bb6 9.Nb6 ab 10.h3 Nf6 11.e5 Nh5! [Thus, it is a reflection of Nh4-Bukayev gambit.] 12.Kf2 f6!! Black stands slightly better.


6.Na4! Bb4 7.c3!AN dc 8.bc with unclear position. In other words, the extremely trivial idea – to reflect C58-C59 (to copy the theory of C58-C59 exactly) – is author’s new idea!

About names, about importance etc.

The gambit move 4.Nf3! (the sign “!” is author’s new appraisal) isn’t new nominally, but it was never considered in publications, was never commented, was almost never played. All few games, where it was played, show, that everywhere white has made a large error in the beginning of playing and that everywhere black hasn’t used each of white’s errors. That is why the gambit 4.Nf3! is new, in fact!

I suggest the term for this new strong and important gambit (4.Nf3!) and for such opening variations: “reflectogen”. This scientific term means “something GENerating REFLECTion(s)”. Thus, the move-reflectogen 4.Nf3 generates the most important reflection by 4…Ng4 5.d4. [Addition by Bruno Berenguer: I suggest to call this new gambit as “Nf3-Bukayev gambit-reflectogen” in honour of its author! He agrees to this gambit’s name.]

Moreover, probably, the variation 2.d3 Bc5 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Nf3! is one of the strongest and most important reflectogens in the whole world of chess theory! (It shouldn’t be forgotten, that there are extremely few reflectogens in the whole world of chess, that are important for theory: usually we see reflection as a result of weak playing: 1.c3 e5 2.c4 etc. And even if some reflection is a result of not weak playing, then usually there is an expedient opportunity to decline a reflection after a move-reflectogen. We see, that gambit 4.Nf3! doesn’t give such expedient opportunity!)

Finally, of course, the name of each reflected variation must be created with conservation of the name of original variation: “reflection of Nh4-Bukayev gambit” or “Nh4-Bukayev gambit reflected”, but not “Nh5-Bukayev gambit”.

Author: Y.Bukayev

Dear reader, here you can see theoretical discoveries-bombs, that change appraisal of important opening systems. You can see email-contact of Yury V. Bukayev, the inventor, the innovator, on Contacts page.

(c) Bukayev, Yury V. 2005; 2005-2015 (summaries)

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