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Bruno's Chess Problem: 13/05/2024

A.Wornum Mongredien, L.C.C. Staff Gazette, 1920

Mat en 3(***)
chess problem diagram
Les blancs jouent

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1. Bg4! Rdd7 2. Bd1 ... 3. Bb3#
     2... Rc7, Rb7 3. Rd6#
  1... Ree8 2. Bd1 ... 3. Bb3#
     2... Rc8, Rb8 3. Rd6#
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2024-05-13 10:31:16, by problemist
"It is strange that science, which in the old days seemed harmless, should have evolved into a nightmare that causes everyone to tremble."

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) To Queen Elisabeth of Belgium, March 28, 1954; quoted in Whitrow, Einstein, 89. Einstein Archives 32-410.

A logical Meredith with 8 pieces without any wPs. The NB-battery is a Fata Morgana as it cannot fire without destroying the mating net. The mainplan dismantling the battery still fails 1. Bd1? (2. Bb3#) Rb7! The idea is using a foreplan to create Holzhausen interferences by 1. Bg4 again dismantling the battery and using zugzwang when Black has to guard the focal points d6 and e6, so only two possible moves 1.. Ree8, Rdd7 and now the mainplan succeeds 2. Bd1 (3. Bb3#) Rb8 (Rc8), Rb7 (Rc7) 3. Rd6#. Reprinted in "Die Schwalbe," Jun 1932 (p. 302). In yacpdb two moremovers (a #5 by pioneer composer August von Cywinski (1829-1905), "Illustrirtes Familien-Journal," 1861, and a #4 by Fébus Hirsh Fraenkel (1906-1968), HM, "Die Schwalbe," 1931) are mentioned for comparison showing the theme in a more elaborate way.

Alfred Wornum Mongrédien (* 1.9.1877 in London, † 26.2.1954 in London) British composer. "Alfred Mongrédien was one of the great composers who promoted the logical problems. The results of his works were published in A. White's Christmas Series under the title "Antiform" (1929) co-authored by F. Palatz (available online). Alfred Mongrédien composed strategic and economic moremovers in generally 4 moves. He also composed a twomover cylinder chess problem (see on" He was the grandson of the famous chess master Augustus Mongrédien (1807-1888), see wikipedia in many languages.

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