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Bruno's Chess Problem: 28/04/2024

E.Barthelemy, Revista Romana, 1935

Mat en 3(***)
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Les blancs jouent

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1. Be3! ... 2. Bg5#
  1... e4 2. Re5 ... 3. Bg5#
     2... Rxe5 3. Rg4#
  1... Rf4 2. Bxf4 ... 3. Bg5#
     2... exf4, e4 3. Rg4#
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2024-04-28 08:57:50, by problemist
"Morality is not properly the doctrine of how we may make ourselves happy, but how we may make ourselves worthy of happiness."

Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) "Critique of Practical Reason" (1788).

"Krieg ist zuerst die Hoffnung, daß es einem besser gehen wird, hierauf die Erwartung, daß es dem anderen schlechter gehen wird, dann die Genugtuung, daß es dem anderen auch nicht besser geht, und hernach die Überraschung, daß es beiden schlechter geht."

"War is at first, the hope that one will be better off; next, the expectation that the other fellow will be worse off; then, the satisfaction that the other fellow isn't any better off; and, finally, the surprise at everyone's being worse off."

Karl Kraus (1874-1936) "Nachts" 1912; "Half-Truths and One-And-A-Half Truths: Selected Aphorisms" (1976) as translated by Harry Zohn. Today is Kraus' 150th birthday.

Chess puzzle. Black threatens to pin and capture wRg3, e.g., on 1. Bf2? e4! Attacks by wRe6 fail 1. Re8?, Re7? Rc8!, Bd3! The key is 1. Be3 (2. Bg5#) e4 2. Re5 Novotny, with the double threat 3. Rg4#, Bg5# which Black can only separate by capturing on e5: 2.. Rxe5, Bxe5 (e3) 3. Rg4#, Bg5# On 1.. Rf4 2. Bxf4 (3. Rg4#, Bg5# separated by 2.. exf4 (e4), Be2).

Edmond Barthélemy (* 28.9.1909 in Paris, † 13.9.1942 in L'Argentière-la-Bessée) French composer. "Edmond Barthélemy was a good chess player and a specialist of the modern strategic problem. He was the editor of numerous chess columns (such as "Le Miroir du Monde" or "Le Salut Public") and was the vice-president of the French chess problemists union. He also wrote "Galerie des Problémistes de France" (1942). More details can be found on including the definition of the Barthélemy theme: In at least two thematical tries, a white battery cannot mate because of the observation of at least two of its squares by a black piece. After the key, the thematical variations include the mates of the thematic tries."

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Chess Problem of The Day


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