Search checkmates

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Here some useful query: oldest checkmates, easy checkmates, difficult 2 moves problems, mates in 6, chess problems with many solutions, mates in 1.

Checkmates results

Found 3 checkmates matchs to your query.

chess diagram mate in 3 - problem difficulty: ***

W.Speckmann, 1st Pr., Die Schwalbe, 1968

Mate in 3 (***)

White to play

chess diagram mate in 3 - problem difficulty: ***

W.Speckmann, Deutsche Schachzeitung, 1942

Mate in 3 (***)

White to play

chess diagram mate in 3 - problem difficulty: **

W.Speckmann, 2nd Pr., Die Schwalbe, 1942

Mate in 3 (**)

White to play

Checkmates Query

Title: Checkmate in: to
Who plays? Difficulties: to
Solutions: Year: to

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