Problème d'il y a 8 jours

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Bruno's Chess Problem: 10/01/2025

M.Nagnibida, 2001

Mat en 3(**)
chess problem diagram
Les blancs jouent

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1. Rh4! ... 2. Rh5+ Ke4 3. Bd5#
  1. ... Bc4 2. Bxf2 ... 3. Bg3#
  1. ... Bc6 2. Be7 ... 3. Bf6#
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2025-01-10 08:26:58, by problemist
"The struggle raging today will likely produce no victor…. Therefore, it seems not only ethically fitting, but rather bitterly necessary that intellectuals of all nations marshal their influence such that the terms of peace shall not become the cause of future wars." 
Albert Einstein (1879-1955) From "Manifesto to the Europeans," prepared in mid-October 1914 by Georg Nicolai, Wilhelm Foerster, and Einstein to counter an earlier manifesto upholding German justification for actions in the early phases of World War I. CPAE, Vol. 6, Doc. 8. [The ultimate quotable Einstein, Collected and edited by Alice Calaprice, 2011]

Published in Troll. Chess puzzle. The direct 1. Bxf2? (2. Bg3#), Be7? (2. Bf6#) still fail to 1.. Ra4!, Ra6! Thus 1. Rh4 (2. Rh5+ Ke4 3. Bxd5#) and now using the interference 1.. Bc4, Bc6 2. Bxf2, Be7 3. Bg3#, Bf6#.

Микола Іванович Нагнибіда (* 12.6.1939 in Vyniatyntsi, Zalishchyky Raion, † 19.3.2005 in Chernivtsi) Ukrainian composer. "Mykola Ivanovich Nagnibida was a direct mate, selfmate and helpmate composer. He explored many facets of the Bukovina theme in helpmate: see examples in the Wikipedia article dedicated to the Bukovina theme. The definition of the theme is the following: in the diagram position, a square adjacent to the black king is guarded by a white piece. Black captures that piece and then blocks the square which has become unguarded. More details about Mykola Nagnibida can be read on Wikipedia in Ukrainian."

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