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Bruno's Chess Problem: 13/11/2024
Mat en 3(***)
Les blancs jouentAstuce :
Les archives des problèmes sont consultables pendant une période de 10 jours.
1. Bh4! ... 2. Bg3 ... 3. Bc7#
1... exd4 2. Re6 fxe6 3. f7#
- 2024-11-13 11:50:07, by problemist
- "Das Forschen ist an sich schon beinah die Entdeckung. Man findet immer, wenn man innig genug sucht; auf jede dringlich gestellte Frage kommt schließlich die Antwort. Oft zu unserem Schmerz." - Der Wendepunkt. S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main, 1952, p. 42.
"You discover no truth unless you have decided to seek it. The quest is almost tantamount in itself to the discovery. You will find whatever you look for." - The Turning Point. L. B. Fischer, New York 1942.
Klaus Mann (* 18.11.1906 in Munich, † 21.5.1949 in Cannes). On May 21 was the 75th anniversary of his death.
Troll, 1995. A good chess puzzle. How to attack the black position and avoid stalemate after 1.. exd4? The hidden line is 1. Bh4! with the main variation 1.. exd4 2. Re6! fxe6 3. f7# by discovered check. On 1.. e4 stalemate is released, so the switchback 2. Bg3 works and 3. Bc7#.
Siegfried Brüchner (* 1.9.1931 in Zittau) German composer. He lived in Gießen, Großschönau (Sachsen), Oranienburg, Holzdorf bei Weimar.
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