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Bruno's Chess Problem: 10/05/2024

T.Zirkwitz, M.Keller, Die Schwalbe JT, 2002

Mat en 3(***)
chess problem diagram
Les blancs jouent

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niveau : * (très facile) à ***** (très difficile)

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1. g6! ... 2. Qb5+ ... 3. Qxe5#
  1. ... Ra5 2. Qxb7+ ... 3. Qc6#
  1. ... Rxg6 2. Nf5 ... 3. Nxe7#
     2. ... Rxe6, Rg7 3. Nxe3#
  1. ... Ng4 2. Ne2 ... 3. Nc3#
     2. ... Kc4 3. Qb5#
     2. ... e4 3. Nf4#
  1. ... Nd3 2. Ne4 ... 3. Nc3#
     2. ... Kc4 3. Qb5#
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2024-05-10 10:43:07, by problemist
"It is much easier to burn men than to burn their opinions."

Charles Dickens (1812-1870) A Child’s History of England, ch. 21, 1851–1853.

6th Prize. 181. TT\II, 1999-2002. FIDE Album (2.5+3+2.5=8 points) On 1. Ne2?, Ne4? (2. Nc3#) Nd1! defends. The subtle and hard to find key is 1. g6! (2. Qb5+ Kxe6, Kd6 3. Qxe5#) Nd3, Ng4 2. Ne4, Ne2 quiet moves (3. Nc3#; 2.. Kc4 3. Qb5#; 2.. e4 3. Nf4#), but not the other way round 2. Ne2?, Ne4? e4!, e2! 3. fxe4+, Nc3+ Kc4! dual avoidance, more precisely the Anti-Java Theme: "Black's defences, which in turn cut one of the two lines of guard to the black King's field, seemingly allowing two continuations, but White has to choose the one that cuts also the other line of guard. This is obviously a three-move scenario." (Encyclopedia of Chess Problems, 2012, with today's problem as the textbook example) Further 1.. Rxg6 2. Nf5 quiet move with the double threat 3. Nxe7#, Nxe3#; 1.. Ra5 2. Qxb7+ (2. Qxa5+? b5!) K~ 3. Qc6#. Reprinted in "Problemesis" Jun 2002; "Phénix" Jul 2002; "British Open Online Solving Masters," 18 Sep 2022 (Autumn GrandPrix\2\6), so it should be challenging to solve.

Michael Keller (* 31.5.1949 in Remscheid) German composer and Grandmaster, see wikipedia de, it, lv. "Michael Keller is specialized in two- and threemovers. The Keller paradox is a direct mover theme that requests that "White moves to a square just controlled (or controlled again) by Black."

Thorsten Zirkwitz (* 26.4.1965, † June 2016 in Berlin) German composer and International Master. "Thorsten Zirkwitz has mostly composed direct mates in collaboration (mainly with Keller) and has obtained many prizes. His personal webpage proposes a collection of his own problems classified by genres and themes, a list of chess problems links." See for more. His obituary by Jörg Kuhlmann is to be found in "Die Schwalbe" (Heft 280, August 2016, p. 585 ff) available online.

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