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Bruno's Chess Problem: 16/05/2024

F.Giegold, Die Welt, 1968

Mat en 4(**)
chess problem diagram
Les blancs jouent

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1. Be1! g3 2. Be2 dxe2 3. Rb4 Kxb4 4. d4#
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2024-05-16 20:22:01, by problemist
"Since the mathematicians have invaded the theory of relativity, I do not understand it myself anymore."

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Obviously said tongue-in-cheek. Quoted by Carl Seelig, in Albert Einstein (Zurich: Europa-Verlag, 1960), 46.

A typical Giegold chess puzzle with some hidden white moves and just one forced line 1. Be1 g3 2. Be2 PxB 3. Rb4! Kxb4 4. d4#. My practice of Giegold puzzles grew a bit rusty, so for me it seemed to be a rather hard problem. Reprinted in "200 problematische Einfälle und Ideen" No. 126 with a witty comment by Dr. Karl-Dieter Schulz:"Strapazierte und lösungs-strapaziöse Öffnungs- und Schließmuskeln mit dem vertrauten Grundlininien-B-Abzugsmatt nach Doppelopfer der Gattung "Erst L, dann T"- der inzwischen verwöhnte Giegold-Kenner wird das sicher bequem "vom Blatt" bewältigen können und dann genüßlich auf sich einwirken lassen."

Fritz Emil Giegold (* 2.3.1903 in Leupoldsgrün, † 13.11.1978 in Leupoldsgrün) German composer, see wikipedia de. "Leupoldsgrün. That's the place. It became world-famous, at least in the problemists' world, because of one person: Fritz Emil Giegold. His enigmatic, difficult but facetious and ravishing longmovers fascinated and amused solvers of many chess magazines and newspaper columns and owed him the nickname of 'Rätselonkel' (Puzzle Uncle). His specialty consisted in forced black play, but very hidden and counter-intuitive white moves. ["Kein geringerer als Ado Kraemer bescheinigte ihm 1960, unter den Komponisten derjenige zu sein, der das Moment des Rätsels im Schachproblem am geistreichsten interpretiert." (Günter Büsing in "Die Schwalbe," April 2003)]

Fritz Giegold published his first problem in 1916. He edited the chess column of the Frankenpost newspaper from 1948 until 1978 and also collaborated with other publications. He wrote one book with Walther Horwitz: "Zaubereien auf dem Schachbrett" (1962) and two anthologies were published after his death: Herbert Engel and Karl-D. Schulz's "Fritz Giegold - 200 problematische Einfälle und Ideen." (1982), and Herbert Engel's "Problemsammlung von Fritz Giegold" (1985) which is available online."

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