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Bruno's Chess Problem: 11/05/2024


Mat en 5(****)
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Cacher la solution
1. Kd7! Kd5 2. Ng3 e4 3. Nh5 Ke5 4. Bd4+ Kd5 5. Nf6#
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2024-05-11 09:30:07, by problemist
"What is peace? Is it war? No. Is it strife? No. Is it lovely, and gentle, and beautiful, and pleasant, and serene, and joyful? Oh, yes! Therefore, my friends, I wish for peace, upon you and upon yours."

Charles Dickens (1812-1870) Bleak House, ch. 19, 1852-1853.

Published in "Troll" 1997. Meredith with 10 pieces. A chess puzzle with just one forced line based on zugzwang: 1. Kd7 Kd5 2. Ng3 e4 3. Nh5 Ke5 4. Bd4+ Kd5 5. Nf6#. The wN has to move to the mating square f6 via g3-h5 and not d6-e8 as it has to guard f4 on the fourth move after Bd4+.

Hartmut Hänneschen (* 20.1.1944) German composer from Finsterwalde.

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Chess Problem of The Day

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