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Bruno's Chess Problem: 02/05/2024

N.Atamianiuk, Republika, 1991

Mat en 2(**)
chess problem diagram
Les blancs jouent

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Cacher la solution
1. Ne6! ... 2. Qg4#
  1... Kf3 2. Qg2#
  1... Kd3 2. Nc5#
  1... Kd5 2. Nc3#
  1... Kxf5 2. Ng3#
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2024-05-02 11:57:39, by problemist
"I am not a positivist. Positivism states that what cannot be observed does not exist. This conception is scientifically indefensible, for it is impossible to make valid affirmations of what people “can” or “cannot” observe. One would have to say “only what we observe exists,” which is obviously false."

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) From an interview with Alfred Stern, Contemporary Jewish Record 8 (June 1945), 245–249.

A chess puzzle. The good key 1. Ne6 creates zugzwang and gives 3 flights (followed by N-mates) for a star flight of the bK: 1.. Kd5, Kd3, Kxf5, Kf3 2. Nc3# (pin mate opening a line of guard for the wB), Nc5# (pin mate opening a line of guard for the wQ), Ng3#, Qg2# On moves of bN, bB follows 2. Qg4#.

No data found on the composer. In yacpdb only this problem is listed.

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